Brandon Boyd
Civil & Environmental Engineering

My name is Miguel Mena and I am working towards my M.S. in the Soil and Land Resources program in the Soil and Water Systems department. The PI for my project is Dr. Linda Schott but I also work closely with Dr. Mario de Haro Martí where we are looking at improving the management of inter-seeding cover crops into silage corn in a dual-crop or double-cropping system. We are trying to decrease the nutrient load to heavily manure-amended soils by adding a cover crop to uptake more nutrients from the soil and function as an additional forage crop. Within the ISAID Grant, I am part of a group tasked with writing an extension publication highlighting the best management practices for dairy manure within Idaho. The publication that our group is working on focuses on the management of phosphorous in Magic Valley soils and the application of phosphorous-rich dairy manure. Being a part of the ISAID Grant group has given me a greater understanding of the
difficulties of managing the waste produced by the large dairies found in Southern Idaho. These experiences have given me an interest in pursuing a career that keeps me tied to the dairy industry as I see immense value in maintaining a connection to agronomy and the dairy industry. Currently, I hope to pursue a career in industry providing advice to producers interested in applying manure to their field while also continuing to conduct field research. In the future, I hope to continue my education by pursuing my Ph.D. in the field of soil science.
Siempre estoy buscando oportunidades nuevas y emocionantes. Conectemos.