OUR TEAM Anthony Simerlink
M.S. General Agriculture

My study is based in the agricultural field, specifically dairy manure management. My area of study has two aspects, one is developing and testing a pilot scale reactor system to measure greenhouse gas emissions from dairy manure during composting, while closely managing composting parameters. Two, studying the effects of organic and inorganic amendments on the emissions of greenhouse gases during the composting process of dairy manure without carbon correction. Dr. Mario de Haro-Marti (Principal Investigator) designed the composter system and I constructed and modified the system with his guidance.
My career aspirations are to work in the field of Extension, specifically as an agriculture and horticulture educator. I have been able to work with many educators and specialists that have provided exceptional advice and tutelage. While in this program I was able to apply and be selected for an Extension Educator position in Power County following the completion of my graduate program. My experience with Extension has been filled with diverse and educational experiences that I hope to be able to give back to the community.