Soil Science
The Soil Science section is dedicated to advancing our understanding of soil health and its crucial role in sustainable agriculture. This category features cutting-edge research, insights, and publications from ISAID scholars and collaborators that delve into the complexities of soil ecosystems. Explore our comprehensive studies on nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and innovative practices that enhance soil health, such as biochar application and manure management.
Our aim is to provide farmers, researchers, and policymakers with valuable knowledge to improve soil management practices, boost crop productivity, and minimize environmental impact. By integrating the latest scientific findings with practical solutions, we strive to contribute to the development of resilient and sustainable agricultural systems.
Join us in exploring the fascinating world of soil science and discover how ISAID's initiatives are driving the future of sustainable agriculture.
Soil Science Publications
Laan, Maggie; Strawn, Daniel G.; Kayler, Zachary E.; Cade-Menun, Barbara J.; Moller, Gregory
The excessive application of dairy manure to soils to supply plant nutrients can result in increased offsite nutrient transport and degraded water quality. However, by concentrating nutrients from dairy-waste onto biochar or as biosolids, a viable alternative fertilizer can be produced that will benefit soil health, promote carbon sequestration, and decrease nutrient leaching into surface waters. In this study, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to assess soil phosphorus (P) speciation and barley plant growth in soils amended with dairy-waste treated biochar and fermented manure. Phosphorus characterization in the post-harvest soils was determined using selective extractions, 31P-NMR and XANES spectroscopy, and isotopic tracing (P-δ18O). Selective extractions and NMR spectroscopy revealed that most of the P in the amended soils occurred as inorganic species (>85%). XANES spectroscopy further showed that the soil P occurred as either calcium-P minerals (54%–87%) or adsorbed P (0%–46%) species. Analysis by P-δ18O in water and sodium bicarbonate extractions of the treated soils showed that the water-extracted P pool is cycled much faster than the sodium bicarbonate extracted P. Although less than 10% of the total P in the dairy-derived bioproducts was extracted using water, plant productivity in the soils treated with these amendments was the same as that in soils treated with equivalent amounts of conventional nitrogen and P fertilizer. This suggests that dairy-derived bioproducts are good soil amendments to supply nutrients and limit leaching.
Wepking, Carl ; Avera, Bethany ; Badgley, Brian ; Barrett, John E. ; Franklin, Josh ; Knowlton, Katharine F. ; Ray, Partha P. ; Smitherman, Crystal ; Strickland, Michael S.
Intensifying livestock production to meet the demands of a growing global population coincides with increases in both the administration of veterinary antibiotics and manure inputs to soils. These trends have the potential to increase antibiotic resistance in soil microbial communities. The effect of maintaining increased antibiotic resistance on soil microbial communities and the ecosystem processes they regulate is unknown. We compare soil microbial communities from paired reference and dairy manure-exposed sites across the USA. Given that manure exposure has been shown to elicit increased antibiotic resistance in soil microbial communities, we expect that manure-exposed sites will exhibit (i) compositionally different soil microbial communities, with shifts toward taxa known to exhibit resistance; (ii) greater abundance of antibiotic resistance genes; and (iii) corresponding maintenance of antibiotic resistance would lead to decreased microbial efficiency. We found that bacterial and fungal communities differed between reference and manure-exposed sites. Additionally, the β-lactam resistance gene ampC was 5.2-fold greater under manure exposure, potentially due to the use of cephalosporin antibiotics in dairy herds. Finally, ampC abundance was positively correlated with indicators of microbial stress, and microbial mass-specific respiration, which increased 2.1-fold under manure exposure. These findings demonstrate that the maintenance of antibiotic resistance associated with manure inputs alters soil microbial communities and ecosystem function.
Wepking, Carl ; Badgley, Brian ; Barrett, John E. ; Knowlton, Katharine F. ; Lucas, Jane M. ; Minick, Kevan J. ; Ray, Partha P. ; Shawver, Sarah E. ; Strickland, Michael S. ; Shade, Ashley
Microbial communities drive soil ecosystem function but are also susceptible to environmental disturbances. We investigated whether exposure to manure sourced from cattle either administered or not administered antibiotics affected microbially mediated terrestrial ecosystem function. We quantified changes in microbial community composition via amplicon sequencing, and terrestrial elemental cycling via a stable isotope pulse‐chase. Exposure to manure from antibiotic‐treated cattle caused: (i) changes in microbial community structure; and (ii) alterations in elemental cycling throughout the terrestrial system. This exposure caused changes in fungal : bacterial ratios, as well as changes in bacterial community structure. Additionally, exposure to manure from cattle treated with pirlimycin resulted in an approximate two‐fold increase in ecosystem respiration of recently fixed‐carbon, and a greater proportion of recently added nitrogen in plant and soil pools compared to the control manure. Manure from antibiotic‐treated cattle therefore affects terrestrial ecosystem function via the soil microbiome, causing decreased ecosystem carbon use efficiency, and altered nitrogen cycling.
Shawver, Sarah ; Wepking, Carl ; Ishii, Satoshi ; Strickland, Michael S. ; Badgley, Brian D.
In agroecosystems, application of manure from livestock treated with antibiotics has the potential to spread antibiotic compounds, resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) to soil. Although environmental transmission of antibiotic resistance is a major human health concern, few studies have looked at long-term effects on soil microbial communities from applying manure from livestock administered antibiotics. We examined the impacts of three years of repeated manure additions from cattle under different antibiotic treatments on microbial community structure and ARG abundances. While manure additions altered both soil bacterial and fungal communities, manure from cattle administered antibiotics further altered soil bacterial communities, but not fungal, compared to manure from antibiotic-free cattle. Furthermore, addition of manure from antibiotic-free cattle resulted in increased abundances of several ARGs compared to soil with no manure inputs, but manure from cattle administered antibiotics did not change overall profiles of ARG abundances compared to manure from antibiotic-free cattle. Finally, although bacterial and fungal community structure and ARG abundances varied among years, manure treatment effects on each were persistent during the full three-year period. Taken together, our results suggest that manure and antibiotic impacts on soil microbial communities can persist for long periods of repeated manure application. Furthermore, soil management strategies for addressing the antibiotic resistance crisis should consider the broader context of manure management. •Manure and antibiotics affected bacterial and fungal communities differently.•Antibiotic-free manure increased antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in soil.•Manure from cattle administered antibiotics had little additional effect on ARGs.•Impacts persisted over multiple years with repeated manure application.
Strickland, Michael S. ; Thomason, Wade E. ; Avera, Bethany ; Franklin, Josh ; Minick, Kevan ; Yamada, Steffany ; Badgley, Brian D.
Core Ideas The effect of cover crops on soil microbes and biogeochemistry was examined. Cover crops increase microbial biomass and bioavailable soil carbon. Increasing cover crop biomass amplifies belowground effects. Agricultural soils are largely degraded or under threat of degradation. Given a growing human population and the subsequent need to feed this population, agricultural practices must maintain productivity and soil quality. Cover cropping regimes are a management approach that aims to address these dual goals. Although the use of cover crops has been linked to many positive effects on soil quality and crop yields, few studies have examined their effects on soil microbial community structure and function under active farm management. We assessed soil characteristics and microbial community structure and function between agricultural field plots with and without cover crops. We expected microbes would respond in the short‐term to increasing cover crop biomass, with increases in microbial activity and a shift in C acquisition toward substrates indicative of root exudation. In the presence of cover crops, we found active microbial biomass and bioavailable‐C increased by 64 and 37%, respectively, indicating the potential for increased C sequestration. Soil NH 4 + increased by 64%, whereas soil NO 3 ‐ decreased by 30%, indicating a shift toward less mobile N forms and the potential of greater nutrient retention under cover cropping regimes. Additionally, increasing cover crop biomass was related to lower microbial biomass C/N ratios and to decreased utilization of recalcitrant C substrates. These results potentially suggest a shift toward greater microbial utilization of root‐derived compounds with increasing cover crop biomass. Together, these results indicate that, in the short‐term, the presence of cover crops may improve soil quality, as measured by indices of microbial activity, and soil C and nutrients.
Araujo, Eloa ; Strawn, Daniel G. ; Morra, Matthew ; Moore, Amber ; Ferracciu Alleoni, Luis Reynaldo
Dairy manure often has elevated concentrations of copper (Cu) that when applied to soil may create toxicity risks to seedlings and soil microbes. Manure application also increases dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil solution. We hypothesize that high rates of dairy manure amendment over several years will cause increased DOM in the soil that complexes Cu, increasing its mobility. To test this hypothesis, this study investigated water soluble Cu concentrations and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil samples from 3 years of manure-amended soils. Samples were collected at two depths over the first 3 years of a long-term manure-amendment field trial. DOC, Cu, Fe, and P concentrations were measured in water extracts from the samples. Ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) spectra were used to assess the DOC characteristics. After 3 years of manure application, extractable Cu concentration was approximately four times greater in the surface and two times greater in subsurface samples of manure-amended soils as compared to non-amended control soils and traditional mineral fertilizer-amended soils. The extractable Cu concentration was greatest in plots that had the highest manure amendment rates (35 t ha (super -1) and 52 t ha (super -1) , dry weight). The UV/Vis parameters SUVA (sub 254) and E (sub 2) /E (sub 3) correlated with Cu concentration in the extracts (p < 0.05), suggesting that DOC characteristics are important in Cu-binding. The molecular characteristics of the DOC in the subsurface after 3 years of manure amendment were distinct from the DOC in the control plot, suggesting that manure amendment creates mobile DOC that may facilitate Cu mobilization through soil. The 10-fold increase in extractable Cu concentration after only 3 years of manure application indicates that repeated applications of the dairy manure sources used in this study at rates of 35 t/ha or greater may create risks for Cu toxicity and leaching of Cu into ground and surface waters.
Long‐term dairy manure amendment promotes legacy phosphorus buildup and mobility in calcareous soils
Hu, Ruifang ; Leytem, April B. ; Moore, Amber D. ; Strawn, Daniel G.
Continuous application of dairy manure to soils can lead to excessive phosphorus (P) accumulation (legacy P), which requires understanding for managing nutrient availability and leaching. This study was conducted in Kimberly, ID, where dairy manure or conventional fertilizer was applied to calcareous soil plots under continuous crop rotations for 8 years (2013–2020), followed by 2 years with no amendment. To understand legacy P behavior in the soils, total P, organic/inorganic P, and plant‐available Olsen bicarbonate P and Truog extraction measurements were made from surface and subsurface samples. Additionally, P in soluble and less soluble calcium phosphate (Ca‐P) minerals was estimated using selective extractions, and P desorption was measured in a flow‐through reactor. Manure amendments resulted in increased total soil P and plant‐available P, particularly in the initial 5 years. In the 0‐ to 30‐cm depth, 54%–65% of the soil P added from manure amendments was readily soluble by the Truog P test. Phosphorus released from the 2022 manure‐amended soil in the desorption experiments was about five times greater than the fertilizer‐amended soil, suggesting high leaching potential. After 8 years of manure amendment, subsurface Olsen‐P levels exceeded the 40 mg kg−1 management threshold, suggesting P adsorption potential of the surface had become saturated, allowing for P leaching. In the manure‐amended surface soils, calcium phosphate minerals increased compared to the controls. Even after 2 years without manure amendment, soluble Ca‐P mineral phases persisted in the soils, which can be a long‐term source of P leaching. Core Ideas Repeated dairy manure application at 52 Mg ha−1 rate led to soil legacy phosphorus (P) buildup in calcareous soils in southern Idaho. Manure‐amended soil P leached downward causing subsurface soil Olsen P levels to exceed the regulatory limit. Manure‐amended soil had about five times greater leachable P than conventional chemical fertilizer‐amended soil. P desorption from manure‐amended surface soil was slower compared to subsurface soil. Slow P release was correlated with poorly crystalline Ca‐P mineral phases in the soils. Plain Language Summary Continuous application of dairy manure to soils leads to excessive phosphorus (P) accumulation (legacy P), which can contribute to nutrient availability and leaching. This study characterized P pools and measured P availability in calcareous soils amended with either dairy manure or conventional fertilizer for 8 years, followed by 2 years with no amendment. Manure amendments resulted in increased total soil P and plant‐available P. In the 0‐ to 30‐cm depth, 54%–65% of the soil P added from manure amendments was readily available. After 8 years of manure amendment and 2 years of no amendment, P was five times more available to the soil solution than in controls with chemical fertilizer treatments, suggesting high plant availability and leaching potential in the manure‐amended soils.
Weyers, Eva ; Strawn, Daniel G. ; Peak, Derek ; Baker, Leslie L.
In confined animal feeding operations, such as dairies, manure is amended to soils at high rates leading to increases in P and organic matter in the soils. Phosphorus reacts with soil-Ca to form Ca-P minerals, which controls P availability for leaching and transport through the watershed. In this research, the effects of manure sourced dissolved organic matter (DOM) on P sorption on calcite were measured at different reaction times and concentrations. Reactions were monitored in 1% and 10% manure-to-water extract solutions spiked with P. When manure-DOM was present, a significant reduction in P sorption occurred (2–90% absolute decrease) compared to samples without manure-DOM. The greatest decrease occurred in the samples reacted in the 10% manure solution. XANES spectroscopic analysis showed that at 1% manure solution, a Ca-P phase similar to hydroxyapatite formed. In the calcite samples reacted in the 10% manure solution, K-edge XANES spectroscopy revealed that P occurred as a Ca-Mg-P phase instead of the less soluble hydroxyapatite-like phase. Results from this study suggest that in manure-amended calcareous soils, increased DOM from manure will decrease P sorption capacity and increase the overall P concentration in solution, which will increase the mobility of P and subsequently pose greater risks for impairment of surface water quality. [Display omitted] •Dairy manure added to calcareous soils releases dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphate to the soil solution.•Dairy-manure sourced DOC greatly reduces P sorption.•High DOC levels promote formation of more soluble Ca-Mg-P minerals.•Mg substituted amorphous hydroxyapatite minerals occur on calcite minerals exposed to dairy manure extract.
Shawver, Sarah ; Ishii, Satoshi ; Strickland, Michael S. ; Badgley, Brian
Growing concerns about the global antimicrobial resistance crisis require a better understanding of how antibiotic resistance persists in soil and how antibiotic exposure impacts soil microbial communities. In agroecosystems, these responses are complex because environmental factors may influence how soil microbial communities respond to manure and antibiotic exposure. The study aimed to determine how soil type and moisture alter responses of microbial communities to additions of manure from cattle treated with antibiotics. Soil microcosms were constructed using two soil types at 15, 30, or 45% moisture. Microcosms received biweekly additions of manure from cattle given cephapirin or pirlimycin, antibiotic-free manure, or no manure. While soil type and moisture had the largest effects on microbiome structure, impacts of manure treatments on community structure and individual ARG abundances were observed across varying soil conditions. Activity was also affected, as respiration increased in the cephapirin treatment but decreased with pirlimycin. Manure from cattle antibiotics also increased NH 4 + and decreased NO 3 − availability in some scenarios, but the effects were heavily influenced by soil type and moisture. Overall, this work demonstrates that environmental conditions can alter how manure from cattle administered antibiotics impact the soil microbiome. A nuanced approach that considers environmental variability may benefit the long-term management of antibiotic resistance in soil systems.
Effects of Dairy Slurry Injection on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
Bierer, Andrew M ; Maguire, Rory O ; Strickland, Michael S ; Thomason, Wade E ; Stewart, Ryan D
Surface broadcast of dairy slurry is a common practice; however, concerns over nuisance odors and nutrient losses have prompted research into alternatives. Manure injection is one practice that addresses these concerns but is not widely adopted. Therefore, two studies were conducted to quantify NH3-N loss by volatilization, impacts on soil N cycling, and microbial response between surface broadcast and subsurface injection of dairy slurry. A constant air flow volatilization chamber system measured NH3-N losses and soil inorganic N, mineralizable carbon, and active microbial biomass. A 40-day static air incubation was performed to study nitrogen transformations over a longer period after application. Statistical significance was evaluated at the α = 0.05 level. In the volatilization study, subsurface injection reduced NH3-N losses by 98% and 87% in a clay loam and sandy loam, respectively, resulting in greater soil inorganic nitrogen compared with surface application. There were no significant differences in active microbial biomass between treatments. Surface application prompted greater microbial respiration in the sandy loam, but there were no significant differences between treatments in the clay loam. In the static incubation study, differences in soil NO3-N became significant on day 28, and by day 40, injection showed increases in soil NO3-N of 13% and 26% in the sandy loam and clay loam, respectively, relative to surface application. While the effect of subsurface injection on soil microbial response was unclear, it remains a tool that can greatly reduce NH3-N losses by volatilization and increase soil plant available nitrogen.
He, Brian; BI, Zheting; Chen, Lide
Hydrochar produced from dairy manure is a regulated biosolid if being promoted for agricultural applications thus must have the properties that comply with all environmental standards and government regulations, including the levels of heavy metals (HMs). In this study, systematic research was conducted on HM levels in hydrochar from dairy manure and on the effects of processing conditions, including processing temperature (180–255 °C), holding time (30–120 min) and solid content of manure slurry (2%–15%), through a central composite design and statistical analyses. It was found that HMs can be retained in hydrochar, ranging from 40% to 100%. The processing temperature and solid content in the feed were the most influential process parameters that affected HMs retention in hydrochar. Statistical analysis showed that there was no single optimal point to minimize HMs retained in hydrochar, but there were minimization points at given processing time and solid content. Most HMs concentrations were higher in hydrochar than those initially in dairy manure but were greatly below the thresholds as set by the US government regulations. Thus, hydrochar is feasible for use as a phosphorus-enriched organic fertilizer and/or soil amendment for agricultural applications without serious concerns about HMs it might contain.